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EIA studies for longest ring road in central India
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EIA studies for longest ring road in central India

EIA studies for longest ring road

Ensuring development with ecological sensitivity with Environment Impact Assessment solutions in Central India.

The development of central India's longest ring road required structural engineering solutions, ecological protection measures and sensitivity to the social communities around the region.

The Assignment

The project involved the development of road linkages in Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh comprising three different carriageways totally about 37.045 kms is a nodal transport line in the state. Antea Group was appointed to do a complete Environment  Impact Assessment studies and Detailed Project Report for the entire project. Part of the development project were three bridges across three major rivers in central India.


Baseline data collection, Environmental monitoring an pollution management of Air, Water, Noise, Soil Quality & water table protection, Socio-economic survey, Primary survey of tree enumeration and forestation


Action Plan, Forest Clearance, Related Environmental Clearances from Ministry of Environment and Forest.


Social Impact, Resettlement and Rehabilitation, plans and reports for structural elements such as bridges, soil conservation solutions etc.


Part of the project is the longest Ring Road in the state of Madhya Pradesh in Central India. The project traverses through the primary water sources in the state – River Narmada, Gaur and Pariyat. The solutions required needed to be holistic encompassing the structural elements such as impact of bridges, the diversity of the terrain that included river banks, plains and forest lands and the existing settlements. The project thus required the joint clearance from both the regulatory bodies for Environment and Forests. This report was critical as this was the base document for a large scale development project requiring socio-economic, cultural and ecological sensitivity.


New development may cause different types of impacts on its surrounding environment and on human beings. To assess the impact and to ensure environmental quality, environmental impact assessment is undertaken. As a preliminary step in this direction, an initial environmental examination of the project was carried out to evaluate the feasibility of the project from the environmental sustainability point of view.  Statutory clearances from Central Appellate Authority, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India was obtained.


EIA reports for the longest ring road in Madhya Pradesh, Central India with three bridges across 3 rivers

3 bridges 

993.20 m in length across Narmada River

191 m in length over Gaur River-

90 m in length over the Pariyat River –

Environment Impact Assessment & Feasibility reports for the longest ring road in Madhya Pradesh, Central India with three bridges across 3 rivers – Narmada, Gaur and Pariyat was responsible engineering at its best.

Structural improvements for road & bridges

Soil conservation & natural resource (river water) efficiency measures to ensure ecological sensitivity

Social impact solutions for the communities around