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Water management that safegaurds the ecological balance
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Water management that safegaurds the ecological balance

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Water Businessline

A key partner for Water management for rivers, canals & dykes; Coastal waterways planning

Water - Management of a precious resource

Access to water is a basic human right. Antea Group has strived to ease the lives of communities by ensuring this fundamental resource is conserved, distributed efficiently and the impact of risks such as flood disasters are mitigated.

2 billion

People in the world are expected to face water scarcity in the near future


Increase in demand for water is likely to arise from increase in domestic and industrial consumption.


Technology & innovation for water conservation

It is imperative that we use technology and innovation to manage water, a scarce and precious resource.Our water management solutions cover ground water, fresh water and coastal waters. We provide integrated solutions in all aspects of water resource management.


Hydrologcal Modelling, Flood Mitigation, Early Warning System


Full service solutions across project life cycle – concept, planning, design, supervision, operation and management (O&M), hydraulic modelling, port modelling, dyke stabilisation  and water distribution, asset management


Water solutions for Cauvery basin


Integrated services for the Water businessline


Cochin water transport system

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